Wednesday, November 5, 2008


G.I., M.F., F.No.1(7)(2)/2003/TA/11, Dated: 7-1-2004 read
with O.M.No. 1(7)(2)/2003/TA/67-74, Dated: 4-2-2004
Salient features of New Pension Scheme
Government of India have introduced a new Defined Contribution Pension Scheme
replacing the existing system of Defined Benefit Pension System vide Government of
India, Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs Notification, dated 22-2-
2003. The New Pension Scheme comes into operation with effect from 1-1-2004 and is
applicable to all new entrants to Central Government service, except to Armed Forces,
joining Government service on or after 1-1-2004.
The salient features of the New Pension scheme are as follows:-
The New Pension Scheme will work on defined contribution basis and will have two
tiers-Tiers-I and II. Contribution to Tier-I is mandatory for all Government servants
joining Government service on or after 1-1-2004, whereas Tier-ii will be optional and
at the discretion of Government servants.
In Tier-I, Government servants will have to make a contribution of 10% of his basic
pay plus DA, which will be deducted from his salary bill every month by the PAO
concerned. The Government will make an equal matching contribution.
Tier-I contributions (and the investment returns) will be kept in a non-withdrawal
Pension Tier-I Account. Tier-II contributions will be kept in a separate account that
will be withdrawal at the option of the Government servant. Government will not
make any contribution to Tier-II account.
The existing provisions of Defined Benefit Pension and GPF would not be available
to new Government servants joining Government service on or after 1-1-2004.
In order to implement the Scheme, there will be a Central Record Keeping Agency
and several Pension Fund Managers to offer three categories of Schemes to
Government servants, viz., options A, B and C based on the ratio of investment in
fixed income instruments and equities. An independent Pension Fund Regulatory and
Development Authority (PFRDA) will regulate and develop the pension market.
As an interim arrangement, till such time the Statutory PFRDA is set up, an interim
PFRDA has been appointed by issuing an executive order by M/o Finance (DEA).
Till the regular Central Record Keeping Agency and Pension Fund Managers are
appointed and the accumulated balances under each individual account are transferred
to them, it has been decided that such amounts representing the contributions made
by the Government servants and the matching contribution made by the Government
will be kept in the Public Account of India. This will be purely a temporary
arrangement as announced by the Government.
It has also been decided that Tier-II will not be made operative during the interim
A Government servant can exit at or after the age of 60 years from the Tier-I of the
scheme. At exit, it would be mandatory for him to invest 40 per cent of pension
wealth to purchase an annuity (from an IRDA, regulated Life Insurance Company_,
which will provide for pension for the lifetime of the employee and his dependent
parents/spouse. In the case of Government servants who leave the Scheme before
G.I., M.F., F.No.1(7)(2)/2003/TA/11, Dated: 7-1-2004 read
with O.M.No. 1(7)(2)/2003/TA/67-74, Dated: 4-2-2004
attaining the age of 60, the mandatory annuitisation would be 80% of the pension
The following guidelines are issued for the implementation of the New Pension
Scheme during the interim arrangement for the guidance of the PAOs/DDOs:
(a) The new pension scheme becomes operational with effect from 1-1-2004.
(b) Contributions payable by the Government servants towards the Scheme under
Tier-I, i.e., 10% of the (Basic Pay plus DA), will be recovered from the salary
bills every month.
(c) The scheme of voluntary contributions under Tier-II will not be made
operative during the period of Interim arrangement and therefore no
recoveries will be made from the salaries of the employees on this account.
(d) Recoveries towards Tier-I contribution will start from the salary of the month
following the month in which the government servant has joined service.
Therefore, no recovery will be affected for the month of joining. For
example, for employees joining service in the month of January 2004,
deductions towards Tier-I contribution will start from the salary bill of
February, 2004. No deduction will be made for his salary earned in January
2004. Similarly, deductions for those joining service in the month of
February, 2004 will start from the salary bill of March, 2004 and so on.
(e) No deductions will be made towards GPF contribution from the Government
servants joining the service on or after 1-1-2004 as the GPF scheme is not
applicable to them.
(f) It has been decided that pending formation of a regular Central Record
Keeping Agency, Central Pension Accounting Office will function as the
Central Record Keeping Agency for the above scheme.
(g) Immediately on joining Government service, the Government service, the
Government servant will be required to provide particulars such as his name,
designation, scale of pay, date of birth, nominee(s) for the fund, relationship
of the nominee, etc., in the prescribed form (Annexure-I). The DDO
concerned will be responsible for obtaining this information from all
Government servants covered under the new Pension Scheme. Consolidated
information for all those who have joined service during the month shall be
submitted by the DDO concerned in the prescribed format (Annexure-II) to
his pay and Accounts Officer by 7th of the following month. Annexure-I will
be retained by DDOs.
(h) On receipt of Annexure-II from the DDOs, PAO will allot a unique 16 digit
Permanent Pension Account Number (PPAN). The first four digits of this
number will indicate the calendar year of joining Government service, the
next digit indicates whether it is a Civil or a Non-Civil Ministry (for all Civil
Ministries this digit will be ”1”), the next six digits would represent the PAO
code (which is used for the purpose of compiling monthly accounts), the last
five digits will be the running serial number of the individual Government
servant which will be allotted by the PAO concerned. PAO will allot the
serial number pertaining to individual Government servant from ‘0001’
G.I., M.F., F.No.1(7)(2)/2003/TA/11, Dated: 7-1-2004 read
with O.M.No. 1(7)(2)/2003/TA/67-74, Dated: 4-2-2004
running from January to December of a calendar year. The following
illustration may be followed: -
The first Government servant joining service under Ministry of Civil Aviation
under the accounting control of PAO (Sectt.), New Delhi in 2004, shall be
allotted the following PPAN: -
Calendar Year Civil
PAO Code Serial Number
2 0 0 4 1 0 4 0 8 6 6 0 0 0 0 1
(i) The Pay and Accounts Officer will maintain an Index Register for the
purpose of allotment of PPAN to new entrants to Government service.
Format of the index register is given in Annexure-VII.
(j) The PAO will return to the DDO concerned, a copy of the statement duly
indicating therein the Account numbers allotted to each individual by 10th
instant. DDO in turn will intimate the account number to the individuals
concerned and also note in the Pay Bill Register.
(k) The particulars of the Government servants received from the various DDOs
will be consolidated by the PAO in the format (Annexure-II-A) and sent to
the Principal Accounts Office by the 12th of every month.
(l) The Principal Accounts Office in turn will consolidate the particulars in the
prescribed format (Annexure-II-B) and forward the same to Central Pension
Accounting Office by 15th instant. The CPAO will feed this information in
their computer database.
(m) The DDOs/CDDOs will prepare separate Pay Bill Registers in respect of the
Government servants joining Government service on or after 1-1-2004. The
DDOs/CDDOs will have to prepare separate pay bills in respect of these
Government servants and will send the same with all the schedule to the PAO
on or before 20th of the month to which the bills relate. Cheque drawing
DDOs may note that hereafter in respect of Government servants joining
service on or 1-1-2004, they will only prepare pay bills and not make
payment. They will send such bills to the Pay and Accounts Offices for precheck
and payment.
(n) The DDO/CDDO will prepare a recovery schedule in duplicate in the
prescribed form (Annexure-III) for the contributions under Tier-I and attach
them with the bay bills. The amount of the Contributions under Tier-I should
tally with the total amount of recoveries shown under the corresponding
column in the pay bill.
(o) The accounting procedure for these deductions is being finalized and shall be
notified shortly.
(p) It may be noted that along with the salary bill for the Government servants
who join service on or after 1-1-2004, the DDO/ CDDO shall also prepare a
separate bill for drawl of matching contributions to be paid by the
Government and creditable to Pension account.
(q) The bill for drawl of matching contribution should also be supported by
schedules of recoveries in form (Annexure-IV).
G.I., M.F., F.No.1(7)(2)/2003/TA/11, Dated: 7-1-2004 read
with O.M.No. 1(7)(2)/2003/TA/67-74, Dated: 4-2-2004
(r) On receipt of the salary bills in respect of Government servants joining
service after 1-1-2004, PAO will exercise usual checks and pass the bill and
make the payments. After the payment is made and posting done in the
Detailed Posting Register, one set of schedules relating to Pension
contributions will be detached from the bills as done in the case of other
schedules such as GPF, Long-term advances. The schedules will then be
utilized for posting the credits of contributions in the Detailed Ledger
Account of the individual.
(s) The employee’s contributions under Tier-I and Tier-II and Government’s
contribution should be posted in different columns of the individual ledger
account (to be maintained in the format in Annexure-V) and Broadsheet and
tallied with the accounts figures as being done in the case of GPF.
(t) These accounts should not be mixed with GPF accounts and these
records/ledger accounts should be independent of GPF accounts maintained
in the case of pre-1-1-2004 entrants.
(u) The PAO will consolidate the information available in the New Scheme
schedules received from the various DDOs and forward the same in a floppy
in the prescribed form (Annexure-VI) to Principal Accounts Office by 12th of
the month following the month to which the credit pertains. Principal
Accounts Office in turn will consolidate the information and send the same in
electronic form to the Central Pension Accounting Office by 15th.
(v) CPAO on receipt of this information from all the Pr. Aos (including the Non-
Civil Ministries) will update its database and generate exception reports for
missing credits, mismatches, etc., which will be sent back to the PAOs
concerned through the Pr. AOs for further action.
(w) Whenever any Government servant is transferred from one office to another
either within the same accounting circle or to another accounting circle,
balances will not be transferred by the PAO to the other Accounts Office.
However, the Drawing and Disbursing Officer should clearly indicate in the
LPC of the individual the unique account number, the month up to which
Government servant’s contribution and Government’s contribution have been
transferred to the Pension Fund.
(x) No withdrawal of any amount will be allowed during the interim
arrangement. Provisions regarding terminal payments in the event of
untimely death of an employee or in the event of his leaving the Government
service during the interim period shall be notified in due course.
(y) Detailed instructions on the interest payable on Tier-I balances shall be issued
in due course.
(z) At the end of each financial year, the CPAO will prepare annual account
statements for each employee showing the opening balance, details of
monthly deductions and Government’s matching contributions, interest
earned, if any, and the closing balance. CPAO will send these statements to
the Pr. A.O. for onward transmission to the DDO through the PAO.
(aa)After the close of each financial year, CPAO will have to report the de4tails
of the balances (PAO-wise) to each Principal Accounts Offices, who will
forward the information to each PAO for the purpose of reconciliation. The
G.I., M.F., F.No.1(7)(2)/2003/TA/11, Dated: 7-1-2004 read
with O.M.No. 1(7)(2)/2003/TA/67-74, Dated: 4-2-2004
PAO will reconcile the figures of contributions posted in the ledger account
of the individuals as per their ledger with figures as per the books of CPAO.
(bb)After the appointment of CRA and Fund Managers, this office will issue
detailed instructions on transfer of balances to CRA.
Architecture of the New Pension System
It will have a Central Record Keeping and Accounting (CRA) infrastructure,
several Pension Fund Managers (PFMs) to offer three categories of schemes, viz.,
options A, B and C.
The participating entities (PFMs and CRA) would give out easily understood
information about past performance, so that the individual would be able to make
informed choices about which scheme to choose.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Duties of Running Staff

As far as pay structure matter, it is very necessary to understand the nature of duty of the employee, required qualification for the post, productivity of the post, anomalies arised and injustice [mated due to wrong classification of post] in the fixation of pay scales in last five central pay commission. And as per the future prospect point of view and modernization in working system to be consider at the time of recommendation of pay scale. With this our association representing the entire detailed information about loco running staff of Indian railway, and demanding the justified pay scale on the basis

1] conditions required to work as loco running staff,

2] nature of duty,

3] anomalies in the pay scales which were neither rectify nor corrected by the all previous pay commission,

4] productivity of loco running staff including additional efforts for saving administrative expenditure by energy saving & which is in what way helpful for nation.

Considering all this fact you are requested to give us justice by recommending the justified pay scales to loco running staff of Indian railway. In the following representation all the above said four terms references given below for your more clarification.
LOCO RUNNING STAFF: - Loco running consists of
LOCO PILOT (M/EXP):- Loco Running staffs those who are working on Mail/express trains. [Mail express train consists of passenger carrying train with speed of 110KMPH As well as super fast train like RAJDHANI EXPRESS TRAIN with a speed of 120 to 160 kmph].

LOCO PDLOT (PASSANGER):- Loco Running staffs those are working on passenger Trains and run the train with a speed of lOO to 120 KMPH.

LOCO PILOT (GOODS);- Loco Running staffs those who are working on goods train operation with a speed of75KMPH & likely to run with lOOKMPH in the coming days as per railways modernization programmed. These loco pilot goods carrying a load of 5100 tones load with single/multiple locomotive.
SHUNTING LOCO PILOT: - Loco running staffs those are utilized for formation of passenger & goods train and their shunting [attaching & detaching of coaches/ wagons] in yards.
ASSISTANT LOCO PILOT: - These loco running staffs are utilized as an assistant of Loco pilot & who are equally responsible for all type of locomotive & train unusual.
His Duty to check locomotive thoroughly & have to follow all lawful orders of loco pilot, have to perform extraordinary work in case of serious unusual with trains.

Loco running staff playing a key role in INDIAN RAILWAY'S safe& punctual running of trains with security and productivity. Status of Loco running staff is same as sniper of Indian Army, most skilled pilots of Indian Air force. Because it is universal truth that no any organization can come up & prove their efficiency if their staff are not highly skilled. And with reference to ANNUAL STASTICAL REPORT OF INDIAN RAILWAY as well as speech of HON. RAILWAY MINISTER'S SPEECH IN LOK SABHA on budget, expressed that Indian Railway has earned freight transport, punctuality of M/Exp trains much more than the target expected during the year 2005-06. The same report in the Iastl5 years. It itself indicates management system of INDIAN RAILWAY is good and efficient for the future competition but more important is that the INDIAN RAILWAY has achieved this because of highly skilled staff in which high leveled contribution of Loco running staff is more. And Hon. Minister has acknowledged it in their budget report.

TO KNOW RUNNING STAFF OF INDIAN RAILWAY, following facts to be notice carefully. Hereby you are informed

1) the system of recruitment as a loco men in loco running Staff,

2) eligibility for loco staff,

3) training schedule and nature of training,

4) responsibility and nature of work,

4) duties of loco running staff while the train is on run,

5) conditions & Nature of duty while working on high speed train.

6) Duty hours of loco running men.

1) RECRUTTEMENT: - The system of recruitment as loco running men as a Assistant loco pilot, in Indian Railway is through RAILWAY RECRITMENT BOARD

2) ELIGIBILITY FOR RUNNING STAFF: - Because of vast advanced technological changes, and fast movement of train operation Railway required the group of high leveled Technical graduate staff for train operation. Hence Railway started recruitment of literate staff in 1962 through RRB. And from last 20 years, the Railway demanding technical diploma like Diploma in mechanical/ electrical/ electronics engg. Or ITI Diploma holders for the post of assistant loco pilot and in addition to this candidate must have high leveled medical standard which is no other category required so far.

Loco running men must have the highest standard of medical fitness in medical ore 'A' One. (As it meant for Airplane Pilots) this medical standard has to maintain from the period of joining and up to the end of carrier as loco running men.

A) Each eye vision must be perfect as that of air pilots, but for distance and near vision.

B) Each ear must be clear for hearing.

C) X-ray for chest be clear.

D) ECG for heart etc functioning normal.

E) Blood & Urine tests for sugar NIL

F) Physical fitness of the body must be perfect.

G) Ishihara test free from color blind free.

H) Blood pressure must be normal.

The same medical check up, the running staff must have to pass after every periodical gap of 4 years up to the age of 45 years. From 45 years age to 55 years age, periodical medical examination in the same above manner is conducted once in 2 years. And from 55 years age up to 60 years age PME is conducted once in year. And after every PME certificate the loco running can continue as loco running staff. In fact number of medical unfitness noticed is more in loco Rg. Staff as compared to all other category employee of Indian railway due to their condition duty which is explained in the duties of running staff. In addition to this, the loco running staff working on high speed train must have to pass super-Psycho test at RDSO LUCKNOW. As well as loco 10 running staff may also send for special medical examination and called anytime to the divisional office for Psycho test.

3) TRAINING SHEDULE &NATURE OF TRAINING:- After recruitment as a loco running send to ZONAL TRAINING CENTRE for training. The training schedule is for 12 months on Diesel / Electric locomotive including technical education of locomotive, operation education of locomotive. In addition to this General and Subsidiary rules training given. And after successful completion of training from ZTS trainees sent to posted division for practical training under DIVISIONAL TRAINING CENTRE under loco supervisor. And after successful completion of training, posted as ASSISTANT LOCO PILOT SHUNTING LOCO PILOTS:- It is a promotional post from Assistant loco pilot. For this post asstt loco pilot to ZONAL TRAINING CENTRE for 15 days training in which loco operation and General rules and subsidiary rules are teaches. And after completion of training, trainee must pass the exam at ZTS as well as in Divisional exam. Then Loco Inspector gives practical handling training. Then successful eligible candidates will be given the promotion of SHUNTING LOCO PILOTS.

LOCO PILOTS PROMOTIONAL COURSE:- For the loco pilot promotion, promotional course is whether for diesel or electric locomotive, must have to pass following coarse from the ZONAL TRAINING CENTRE which is as under- A) GENERAL AND SUBSIDIARY RULES - period 1 months.

B) DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE-period 2 Months.

C) ELECTRIC LOCOMOTIVE - period 6 months. At zonal training centre, there will be theory classes on GENERAL AND SUBSIDIARY RULES. This book is BIBLE of Indian railway. It means every servant those who are involved directly or indirectly with train movement, he must know the rules of this book, is related to his work. There are 18 chapters in this book. Chapter 4 is for loco pilots. But other than chapter 4, chapter 1 to 3, and 5 to 18 must also necessarily teaches to loco pilots as he is the first person who first faced & noticed the unusual during the coarse of duty. And who can immediate inform to all concern. Not only this, loco pilots have to take firm and appropriate steps towards the train safety. According to this book, an employee who can take initiative for smooth and safe running of trains, if he have proper knowledge of rules of this book. Recent vast reduction in train accidents, surprise and unbelievable achievement of railway transportation is purely based on loco running staff. Because no industry, no country are safe even they have world's high class technology, if they don't have high skilled employee. During the training, in Diesel locomotive theory classes detailed operational study of different type of diesel locomotive used in Indian railway such as type WDM-2, WDM-4,WDG-2, WDG-4, WDS-6 is given in which thorough technical education is given which is necessary to keep moving the train and loco with safety, security, punctuality & productivity. Similarly for electric locomotive pilots training, loco running staff given thorough training of different types of electric locomotive such as WAG-5, WAG-7, WAG-9(ABB Computerized loco) WAM-4, WAP-1, WAP-4, WAP-5(ABB) & WAP-7. There are also three different types in WAG-5 & WAM-4 LOCOMOTIVE on the basis of types of traction motors, modification in electrical circuit & types of brake system used. In addition to this training of multiple unit of electric locomotive are also given. 11 REFRESHER COURSE;- Every loco running staff are booked for refresher course once in three years in zonal training centre. The period of refresher course is one month to 45 days. Refresher coarse is to refresh the knowledge of loco running staff as well as to counsel the modification introduced in locomotives. Every loco Rg. Staff to pass every refresher course & then only loco Rg. Staff allowed working as running staff.

4} RESPONSIBILITY AND NATURE OF DUTY: - Loco running staff those booked to work the train, must have the complete road learning of that section for which loco running staff were given road learning in three trips. During this 3 trip learning loco Rg. Staff must take learning of road and signals with their proper locations, stations halts, level crossing gates (signaled and non-signaled gates, manned or unmanned gates). Averagely there are signals after every 1.5 kilometer distance and gates averagely after every 1.3 km, no. of bridges(over-head & under bridge). Nature of duty of loco running staff remains unchanged as compared to all other category of Indian railway. For Ex. previously ticket reservations were manually prepared maintain record by reservation clerk. And after completion of duty they have to count no. of selling of tickets & amount manually. Now they are doing all the reservations on computer and they are getting full data about no. of reservations and amount of the tickets on computer in a short time. Similarly station masters signals operating panel system instead previous lever operated track points & signals. Pathway inspector now checking track through ultrasonic machine instead of previous manual check. Now they have TTM( TRACK TESTING MACHINE) for track testing & lifting & packing. Whereas in loco running staff duty, the duties of running staff which was perform in the previous days, still remain same in present modernized railway. Not only this there is enhancement in duties by physically & mentally. For ex. When loco running staff booked to work for clearing stabled train load from road side station, loco pilot along with guard of the train must check the load & calculate brake power % and make brake power certificate in writing & copy of that to be given to station master. Then only station master will give line clear to that train. Similarly there is heavy expectation of Rly admn. That loco pilot must troubleshoot the fault of locomotive in 20 minutes during the course of duty. Whereas the loco maintenance staff takes 4 hours even though they have all facilities for check & countercheck.

Loco running staff has to do following work after sign on for duty.

1) To read safety circulars, safety bulletin, technical circulars, driver instruction, caution order, chalk parts, and divisional circulars.

2) To check the loco carefully while starting from yard. And on main line staff changing, check the loco within 10 minutes along with assistant loco pilot.

3) Read the caution order carefully in which sectional track work progress with temporary speed restriction is mention.

4) Check the repair book of loco about any remark for any locomotive trouble.

5) Check the brake power certificate whether it is valid or not.

6) Check the oil level (diesel, lube oil, compressor oil in case of diesel locomotive and transformer oil, GR oil, compressor oil, exhauster oil in case of electric locomotive.)

7) Check the under truck of locomotive containing traction motor and their cardium compound, TM safety bolts and all other safety fittings. 12

8) Check brake pipe pressure continuity test with guard.

9) After getting departure signal, loco pilot must start the train and run the train as per the aspect of station signals.

10) Loco pilot must have sharp look out. While on run he must observe all permanent & temporary speed restrictions.

11) Duty of loco pilots is very much strenuous. For ex. When loco pilot working on high speed train, he have to work for 400 to 500km at a stretch without any halt. During the run he cannot even release his urinal pressure. In NAGPUR DIVISION, when loco pilots booked to work RAJDHANI EXPRESS ex nagpur to Bhopal, there are 265 signals and the running time given is 330 minutes. It means averagely after every 1 minute & 22 seconds loco pilots must ready to observe signal. There are 296 gates (manned/ unmanned) in the same section. It means after every 1 minutes &11 seconds loco pilot must be prepared to observe gates condition. In addition to this loco pilot must also observe self train track, over head equipments as well as adjacent track and there over head equipments and check the train if passing on adjacent track. Also to check self train load on curvature. He must also sharp attention on his locomotive performance. Now a days loco pilots who is working on freight train, must be very careful while on duty as he is working a load of 5000tonnes with single locomotive which was previously hauled by multiple loco. Because there is chances of load stalling on up gradient.

12) Loco pilot must always ready to notice a) any track defect through jerk or lurch, b) any unusual with self or others train. He must be mentally prepared for precautionary remedies as per the general & subsidiary rules and accident manual directives. It itself is sufficient to mental stress of loco pilots. 13)In Indian railway, no employee required to update his knowledge other than his department. Whereas loco running staff must have not only the knowledge of his train operation but also must have knowledge about pathway engineering, carriage & wagon technical problem, signal and telecommunication problem, traffic dept, safety dept, locomotive maintenance dept, commercial dept. 14) During the performance of duty, loco pilots are giving outstanding performance by increase in sectional average speed, punctuality, safety, security & productivity. In addition to this, loco pilots also saving electrical/fuel (now a days most precious) energy in coasting by his driving skilled. Mail express loco pilot run the train for 3000 km under coasting out of 8000km train run during the kmonth And. And loco running staff is not getting any incentives over this extra ordinary performance. Whereas central government emplovee like income tax dept. dept. excise dept, narcotics dept, police dept, defense dept are getting additional incentives on additional recovery.

DUTY HOURS OF LOCO RUNNING STAFF:- At present loco running staff are classified under 'continuous' roaster. Under this roaster, the loco running staff has to 13 work for 54 hours in a week. Normally the loco running staff has to work for 10 hours duty at a stretch and can demand relief after 12 hours with 2 hours prior notice to controller. There is long history of struggle of our Union's for reduction in duty hours. there is a letter that duty hours of running staff will be 10 hours from singing on to signing off. It should be reduced in the next 8 years up to 8 hours by reducing half an hour after every 2 years by introducing improvement in Ihe system of working of train. Till now there is no such reduction in duty hours even though the vast changes in system of working as well as enhancement in goods & mail express train average train speed. In the above duties of loco running staff, it is already very well explained about strenuous duty of loco pilots. Hence in the present system of working, it is largely expected by loco running staff that loco running staff of M/Exp loco pilots duty hours restricted to 6 hours i.e. under Intensive roaster & loco running staff of goods train, duty hours restricted to 8 hours. There will not be any type of adverse effect on railway movement but it will help in the operational system of train & increase in earning of railway.

PAY SCALES OF LOCO RUNNING STAFF- It is tragedy with loco running staff of Indian Railway that even before independence and after independence Govt of India & Indian railway fail to fix up the proper pay scales to loco running staff. Actually it is long pending demand of loco running staff that our pay scales to be fix up as per nature of duty, to the class of train worked, time taken, mileage covered, total duty hours working, output of the staff which already expressed by the Honorable Railway Minister Shri. LALOO P.RASAD YADAO in parliament, that railway has achieved the target of 400billion tones freight transportation, which Indian railway waiting for. And said that this achievement is a result of team work of all railway employees. But the main and remarkable, highly appreciable role of loco running staff cannot be denied. It is the only loco running staffs who works with full honesty, in day & night, in heavy cold, hot & Rainy weather. It is also true that world famous TAJMAHAL is beautiful because it is constructed by highly skilled workers. It is the history commitment, that king Sahjahan instead of giving proper wages & gift, passes the orders to cut the hands of all the labors who worked on TAJMAHAL construction. Similarly loco running staff also feels as per the attitude of Rly Board and Govt of India. Because till now loco running staff is not received proper pay scales (up to Vth CPC). Rly Board also expressed their views through RUNNING ALLOWANCE Committee 2002 in which pay & allowances of loco running staff was compared with non running staff like clerk, office superintendent & with junior grade officer's pay. Through that committee Rly board was trying to curtail our allowances and trying to increase our duty hours by changing, staff changing point, which already heavy laborious, already explained in nature of duty. our Unions opposed the recommendations of RAC2002 and a detailed memorandum & proved that Horace 2002 has made report on fake & false data. It was commitment of IV & Vth CPC that our Union's was explained and properly represents the issues of loco running staff. Hence your honor, you are requested to call ALP Unions to explain in detail if there is any quarry required. Proper pay scales of running were not given in 1st CPC & up to Vth CPC. It was not rectified and corrected. Not only this loco running staff always loosed proper & justified pay scales in every CPC [detailed calculation as given below.] And this injustice arises due to prejudice view & opinion of the administration that loco running staff should not get more pay than supervisor, officers etc. as they want to keep the loco running staff under control. Airplane pilots are getting high pay & much more salary emoluments than supervisor. There is no any such category in govt controlled transportation sector who are fulfilling a highest medical standard i.e. 'A' one & performing duty with such high intensity and shown in class in category & paid such salary. Airfare pilot, commercial pilots, ship captain are not in class HI category. Whereas in Indian railway, how the supervisors benefited this is explained as under.

1) For loco supervisor post loco pilots goods that have 5 years experience of train driving can apply for the selection & if selected will get directly the grade of Rs. 6500 —10500/- bypassing directly two grades of loco running staff. Whereas loco pilot goods when appeared for loco pilot (passenger), which is also a selection post when selected will get a grade of Rs.5500 — 9000/-.

2) When loco pilot (G) selected as loco supervisor will get 30% of basic for fixation of basic as a running allowance. As well as he will get again 30% running allowance benefit at the time of retirement. So directly & indirectly he is benefited by 69% running allowance. For ex. If the basic of loco pilot(G) is Rs.1000/- and selected as loco supervisor then his pay will be fixed at Rs.l300/-[ 1000+30% of basic as a running allowance as per the rule.] and if he retired on same basic, again he will get 30% benefit as per the rule& his basic will be Rsl690/-[1300 + 30% of 1300/-]. In Vth.CJPC}.under. para 133.40, commission was in view that there is no merit in the demand of running allowance to loco inspectors for retirement benefits.

3) Whereas loco pilot when retired as on same post, he will get 55% benefit as a running allowance for retirement benefit as per present rule & hence pay of loco pilot will be Rs.1550/- if the basic consider as Rs.1000/- It proves that those who continue to be work as loco pilot up to retirement will be financially looser.

4) Loco supervisor was given this 30% running allowance benefit for pay fixation and for retirement benefit as previously they were not given benefit of kilometer allowance but were given traveling allowance. From 1.1.1991, loco supervisors started to get km allowance. Hence now they are getting more salary than even Rajdhani loco pilots. They are also benefited by minimum guaranteed km of 160 km even for monitoring the train beyond 8km. whereas for 120 km earning loco pilots must work on train either for 8 hours or run the train up to 120 km actually. In fact, airplane pilots are only eligible for flying allowance and ground duty officers are not eligible for flying allowance. Whereas in Indian railway loco inspector is granted kilometer age allowance to attract the loco running staff to work as loco supervisor w.e.f. 1.1.1993. Similarly the guard of the train is also getting this kilometer age allowance. As per the rule, only the staff who is driving the train, is eligible for kilometer age allowance. This is also the reason beyond 15 inadequate rectification of loco running staff's pay scale. Keeping the view of control over loco running staff, loco running staff's pay scales always deprived illegally. Following examples itself proves that how the justified pay scale neglected by I Vth &Vth CPC. Before the IV CPC, there were two scales for loco pilot (mail) 80% mail/express in grade Rs.550-750 & 20% super fast train in grade Rs.700-900. The IVth CPC merged the two scales into one and allotted one new scale that was Rs. 1640-2900/-Whereas that time pay fixation formula was Rs.700+DA at 608point + 2 IR =Rs.222O. So the proposed new scale should not be lesser than Rs.2220/- at its minimum. But the allotted as minimum of scale is 1640/- the reduction is Rs.580/- in basic pay alone. Taking the fact that increase of 20% of the basic was allowed to all by IV CPC, the emoluments at basic of Rs.700/- is 2360/- then the real reduction in the emolument is Rs.720/- in basic pay alone. So loco pilots were entitled for the pay scale of Rs.2375-3500/ but was given scale of Rs.1640-2900/- i.e. 31% loss in pay scale. Similarly when the scale of Rs.550-750/was entitled for the scale of Rs.2000-3200/ as per the above said formula of IV CPC, also mixed in scale of Rs.1640-2900/, the reduction of Rs.360 in the minimum pay. Whereas other non running employee of Indian Rly who were in the grade of Rs.700-900/- & Rs.550-750/- were allotted scale of Rs.2375-3500/- & Rs.2000-3200/- respectively. Similar view & injustice mated by Vth CPC as not removed the anomaly of pay scale of loco running staff when loco running staff are entitled for grade of Rs.8000-13000/ for 20% high speed train mail loco pilots, & Rs.4000-6000/-for assistant loco pilots & were given scale of Rs.6000-9800/ to loco pilot mail [common grade for running the train with speed of 110 & 120 to 140kmph (Rajdhani, Shatabdi train in which highest leveled RDSO LUCKNOW super-psycho test passed, highly skilled with highest medical fitness certified loco pilots required.)] And category who were in scale of Rs.2375-3500/- & Rs.2000-3200/- were allotted a scale of Rs.7450-11500/- & Rs.6500-10500/- . Similarly western railway suburban loco pilots [motorman] who are working on 75 kmph speed train, are now drawing more pay scale than high speed train loco pilots. Following chart also is sufficient evidence to prove that how other non-running staffs of Indian railway benefited in pay scale fixation before 1st CPC to Vth CPC CATEGORY BEFORE 1st CPC Min. pay in Times increase Min. pay VthCPC in pay 1] Assistant station master Rs»25/- R&4500A 180- 2] Station manager Rs35/- Rs.5500/- 157.14 3] Goods Guard Rs35/- Rs.4500/- 128.57 4] TXR [train examiner] Rs.35/- Rs.4500/- 128.57 5] Ticket checker Rs30/- Rs.4000/- 13333 6] unskilled worker Rs30/- Rs. 2550/- 85 Averagely all the above mention categories i nav increased 145.52 times, whereas 7] Driver* A' Rs.110/- [+ 75% running allowance] Rs. 5500/- 50 8] Loco pilot (goods)Rs.80/-[ + „ ] Rs.5000/- 62.5 9] Firemen'AV Assistant loco Rs.60/-[+75%] Rs.3050/- 61 Pilot 16 Hence the difference between increase in pay of non-running & loco running staff 83 times. If it was rectified by Vth CPC, and the min. pay of loco running staff was increased by the same 145.52 times which was received by all other category upto Vth CPC, then the loco running staffs pay might be starts from minimum Rs.7276 i.e. for assistant loco pilot, Rs.8300 for shunting loco pilot, Rs 11,642 for loco pilot[goods], Rs. 16007/- for loco pilot [passenger], Rs. 18400/- for loco pilot [mail]. But all the facts were neglected by Vth CPC. & mated injustice with loco running staff of Indian railway. IVth & Vth CPC are the worst pay commission as far as loco running staff pay scales concern whereas all other category pay scales mostly increased 3.4 to 4.2 times by IVth & Vth CPC. If the same formula or ideology is under consideration, then it is our request to remove all the injustice mated either by all previous CPC or by Railway against the loco running staff. Hence your kind honor, association is requesting you to consider the following proposed pay scale which is 3.4 to 3.2 times of the minimum pay calculated above i.e. Rs.7276/- to Rs.l8400/-[could be the minimum pay of loco running staff in Vth CPC]. Even if this pay is calculated with current RPI which 4.2 then even the following proposed pay scale is also justified. 1} Assistant loco pilot [Rs.7276] Rs. 25000-500-35000/- 2} Shunting loco pilot [Rs.8300] Rs.28000-560- 38080/- 3} Loco pilot [goods) |Rs 11642] Rs.40000-800-56000/- 4} loco pilot [Pass] |Rs.l6007| Rs.50000-1000-66000/- 5} loco pilot |maill [Rs.18400] Rs.60000-1200-78000/- 6} Loco pilot [40% high speed] Rs.70000-1400-88200/- Honorable Sir, loco running staff are entitled for this above mention grades. There four justification stated as under as opinion asked in Q.3.1, with the consideration of employers paying capacity, productivity base, on classification of post base, extra ordinary out put of the employee. 1] On existing pay revise system- If for the pay scale fixation, existing uniform policy of fixation is adopted, then already the anomalies in the previous CPC proposed pay scale stated above, and it is sufficient evidence to prove that because of prejudice & predetermined view loco running staff already loosed more. Now running staff is not in position to bare one more shock of injustice in pay-scale. 21 PAY-SCALE ON PRODUCTIVITY BASE :- According to letter no.2006/M(L)467/02 , total sanction strength of running staff in Indian railway is 86,300 On Roaster 72,496 Traffic running staff [guards] 21,585 Loco running staff 50,911 Out of total loco running staff, loco pilot[mail] are 4125, loco pilot[passenger] are 1811, loco pilot[goods] are 19,284, shunting loco pilots are 2775 and assistant loco pilots are 22,916. [ there may be some variation in number of staff] According to Railway budget for the year 2005-2006, it was stated by Honorable Railway that railway has achieved the target of freight transportation much more the target decided even in the critical condition like Tsunami, flood in Mumbai. Railway achieved the target of 400 billion tonnes freight transportation, and 55 crores passangers. If this data is taken for the calculation of contribution of loco running 17 staff then 400bilUon tonnes freight transported by 19284 loco pilot[goods] then freight transportation/year by each loco pilot[G] is 2,07,425.84 tonnes i.e. per month transportation is 17.285.48 tonnes. According minimum tarrif of railway for freight which is Rs. 10 /tonne/kilometer is taken then on 1 kilometer transportation railway earning Rs. 1,72,854.8/- and as every loco pilots is working 3000 kilometer [minimum]/ month on goods transportation then railway is earning Rs 51,85,64,400/- through each loco pilots[goods] whereas loco pilots [goods] gross salary comes to Rs. 15000/- p.m. which is 0.00289%. Similarly minimum 65,000 passangers carried per month by each passenger carrying loco pilots and these LP[M] getting a scale of Rs.6000-9800/-. Whereas airplane pilots who fly with 35000 passangers getting a salary more than Rs.3,00,000/p.m. 31 Nature of duty :- As already stated earlier that due to improper and unjustified classification, loco running staff are shown class HI employee, whereas only this category in Indian railway performing a) highest duty hours, b) highly intense duty, c) giving high productivity & d) performing the duty of executives. Executives who are making policy & working for railways safety, security, punctuality and productivity, loco running staff also working with same motto. As and when required to exercise the executive power. 41 Additional achievement in addition to duty :- Loco pilots also saving electrical/fuel (now a days most precious) energy in coasting by his driving skilled. loco running staff is not getting any incentives over this extra ordinary performance. This is the direct saving of railway revenue. Where there is indirect saving as well as revenue earning through the coasting also. Because of coasting the expenditure on production of same quantity of energy is saved and when saved amount energy utilized by another train operation purpose, that also helps in generating additional revenue. This is three way saving i.e. Rs. 21,60,000/- p.m.due to loco running staff skilledness. Hence loco running staff are eligible for coasting incentives in addition to proposed pay scale. It is our humble request that while fixation of pay of loco running staff following factors to be considered for the natural justice. Because loco running staff always demand correct pay for correct work. Loco running staff already gives there outstanding performance much more than the expectation. And it is oath of loco running staff that we will take our railway in 21st century by real means. 1 ] Consider all the data which is based on previous data. 2] There is no any such category, in govt transport organization other than loco running staff of Indian railway, who have A-l medical standard + super psycho & classified as class HI. Airplane/Air force pilots, ship captain are not classified as class HI. Our pay should be fix as per the nature of duty, considering the risk factor, required medical standard, number of days & duty hours performing duty 3] Expenditure during the course of duty, for the fitness of health. 4] if you go through the detail, you will notice your kind honor that no. of medically de-categorized cases are very high in loco running staff than any other category of railways. 18 Most of the reasons contributed to medical unfitness are, a) Irregularities in lunch and dinner. b) Due to pollution and high voltage electricity. c) Due to heavy night duty feeing cold or rain or hot sun in summer when normal temp.up to 46 to 48 degree, in locomotive, temp. Increases up to 54 to 56 degree centigrade, i.e. adverse weather conditions. d) Insufficient facilities in running room, unhighgenic water meal atmosphere which is cause for the loss of resisting power of human body, diminution of eye sight and eye diseases, heart troubles, occupational cataract due to infra red radiations. Due to sever duty condition, pollution loco running staff may suffer from paralysis, cancer, asthma, tuber-culosis, and stomach ulcer. Some times these diseases cripple the person or sometimes become the killer disease may cause for the death. 5] Considering the pay scale where the loco running staff could be in Vth CPC as stated above which was not given, to be consider for the calculation of new pay scales. Hence proposed pay scales for loco running staff with the expectation that loco running staff definitely will get justice for which we are waiting for from the independence. This will cover all the anomalies. In feet there is previous history about the injustice with loco running staff which is placed as under - The first pay central pay commission states in part III SECTION 'C para 29 that "our attempts on the liens of the former methods did not produce any satisfactory results , as we could not obtain complete information as to what amounts this category of staff had been making during recent years on different railways, without such detailed information!, we might be affecting them prejudicially, if we fix the total emoluments at some arbitrary figures." So first pay commission clearly shows that the basic pay = basic + 75% of basic pay to draw pay scales for running staff. This 75% of basic pay was granted as running allowance as a depressed pay portion i.e. pay of the employee, the class of train, time taken, milage covered. The matter of depressed pay portion raised on the basis of job valuation i.e. nature of duty to be evaluate, but no proper classification & emulation of nature of duty of loco running staff did by railway administration. And on the basis of nature of duty the proper pay of the running staff could not be given due to consequences reformation i.e junior could get more pay than that of the officers. Hence depressed pay portion compensated by running allowance. But this running allowance is curtailed by railway from 14/2/1979 as per the recommendation of Mr. Bhalla committee which was also a serious attact on loco runn¬ing staff. This was happened as railway administration and recognized unions never tried to reclassify the loco running staff from class HL